The Internship of Web Promoter of local Economy were started

The Internships of “Web Promoter of Local Economy” project are starting  – Cod. 374/1/6/1064/2014, funded by Veneto Region under P.O.N. for the implementation of the European initiative for the Youth Employment – Executive regional plan Youth Guarantee.

The recipients after a classroom training are ready to put into practice the skills acquired and especially:

  • Collect data regarding the economy of the territory in the areas of tourism, agricultural, culture and local product.
  • Make  communication format for web services and social media aimed at the promotion of local services, for single or network companies( data sharing);
  • Prepare promotion actions of local services with the use of on line tools,  that enhance characteristic aspects of the territory.

The profile include the development of language, IT and economic skills of the territory.

The companies that will host them in the internship  come not only from the local area but also from the international one. Indeed, four of the participants will have the opportunity to spend a period abroad:  two of them will go to Moreilla in Mexico and the other two will go to Brussels in Belgium, where they will be working to promote the products and to asses, through research and market analysis, potential opportunities.

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