Turismo enologico: la Strada del Prosecco

Nata nel 2003, la Strada del Prosecco è l’erede di quella che è stata nel 1966 la prima arteria enologica italiana.  Questo percorso in grado di valorizzare a pieno il territorio, con paesaggi viticoli e storico-artistici, si trova nelle  colline della zona DOCG Conegliano-Valdobbiadene.

Con i suoi 120 chilometri complessivi l’arteria enologica guida il visitatore tra vigneti ininterrotti, borghi e paesi dove si respira il sapore della secolare arte enologica di queste terre, regalando scorci e paesaggi di autentica bellezza e grande fascino, insieme a testimonianze medievali, eremi, chiesette secolari, tracce della storia rurale civile e religiosa delle genti locali; senza dimenticare la possibilità di degustare, nei tanti locali disseminati lungo il tracciato, la cucina e i prodotti tipici.

via del prosecco

Iniziamo il nostro viaggio nella Strada del Prosecco:

Dalla centrale piazza Cima di Conegliano si può salire al castello, splendido balcone panoramico sulla città e su tutti i colli circostanti. Usciti dalla porta nord delle antiche mura, si prende la strada che, coronando diligentemente la dorsale collinare, sale facilmente a Rua, anticamente convento Camaldolese, e a San Pietro di Feletto dove si trova la romanica Pieve del XII secolo dove si possono ammirare gli spettacolari affreschi.

Scollinando una breve salita, si arriva a Refrontolo. Qui merita una visita il “Mulinetto della croda”, antico mulino adiacente a una spettacolare cascata, esempio di recupero e valorizzazione del paesaggio storico. Dalla piazza municipale di Refrontolo si scende in direzione Solighetto.

Attraversato il caratteristico paese di Solighetto si procede verso Follina. Da non perdere la visita all’ Abbazzia Cistercense del XII secolo e l’adiacente Chiostro del XVI secolo. Proseguendo verso Pieve di Soligo si può ammirare il caratteristico paesaggio collinare della pedemontana trevigiana tappezzato di vigneti, e attraversare paesi come Farra di Soligo e Col San Martino, dai quali fanno capolino straordinarie costruzioni storiche: il santuario di Collagù, le Torri di Credazzo e l’affascinante chiesa di San Vigilio. E’ la “costa d’oro” della strada del Prosecco.

Dal centro di Col San Martino ci si può innoltrare nella stretta vallata che pora a Guia e Miane.  Si svolta a sinistra verso Valdobbiadene e ammirando il tipico paesaggio del prosecco con  vigneti e le frazioni di San Stefano e San Pietro di Barbozza. Il pregiatissimo fazzoletto di terra dove si produce del Cartizze ci preannuncia l’arrivo alla nobile cittadina di Valdobbiadene dove termina il percorso della Strada del  Prosecco, incastonata nell’Alta Marca Trevigiana.


Path 1025 Verdiso Route

Path 1025 Verdiso Route

The path 1025, called  “Verdiso Route” (from the Verdiso wine type) starts from the center of Combai (387 m) and follows small roads and trails, in shady woods and on the sunny slopes of Calchera, Duel, Serre and Baiosa hills, mostly covered by Prosecco and Verdiso lush vineyards.

From Brunbelli square, we go down the Provincial Combai road 30, which leads to Follina and Miane, for a few meters, and we get at Latteria Sociale of Combai (Combai Social Dairy): the Latteria Sociale of Combai was founded in 1942 to collect and transform the milk arriving from several local stables.  From 1986, it was transformed into “Cooperativa dell’AltaMarca Trevigiana” (Alta marca Trevigiana Cooperative) and it promotes local products, like cheese, cold cuts, wine, honey, chestnut. In the little square in front of the Diary, a stony tank recessed in the wall bears the symbol of Combai ProLoco and collects the water flowing from the jaws of a stony lion in high relief.

We pass the diary, continuing into a narrow street and after spotting the trail sign painted on the trunk of a chestnut tree, and we move forward in the wooded slopes of Val Fontana.

sentiero 1025 strada del verdiso carrareccia

Carrareccia sentiero 1025 Strada del Verdiso

The wood includes a variety of trees and shrubs among which the presence of old and imposing chestnuts stands out, together with a sparse undergrowth, rich in ferns. We reach the valley floor and we follow the Fosso della Fratta (Della Fratta Ditch), walking on the shore, until we reach a small road which quickly leads us to Vergoman (290m), a small village where there is an ancient church dedicated to Saint Anthony the Abbot.

Then follow via Calchera (Calchera road), which brings us to the valley and, crossing again Fosso della Fratta, we get at Calchera entering in the scenic surrounding of vine cultivation.

A careful consultation of the map allows us, continuing to climb the hill, to get at the bifurcation of a dirt road: on the right you reach Colle Ronch, while on the left you go down at Pian de Combai (389), our destination. We continue and we reach the Pian de Combai, where, turning left, a juncture let us to take the road which goes up on the slope facing north of the Duel Cost.

sentiero 1025 strada del verdiso panorama combai

Once on the top (493) we follow the road and, along the way, on the right we have an exthensive vision of: Campea, Valle del Soligo, altopiano di Farrò, and Pieve di Soligo hills. On the left the landscape opens: we identify again Via Calchera, the fraction of Vergoman with Saint Anthony church, the village of Miane, the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Carmen, the Treviso Alps and, on the top, the Posa Puner Refuge. We then follow the ridge to the East, then cross a trail into the woods (very slippery in case of rain), until you get to a pass where there is a rural building with the trail sign painted on the wall facing north.

From the stable a short detour allows fans to identify a rocky outcrop that contains some fossils in the sandstone- the entire route follows sedimentary rocks sandstones and marine marl, ranging between 65 and 25 million years of age. In many points you can see boulders and rocky outcrops with fossils of various kinds, among which Chlamys Pectinidi stands out: we proceed along the ridge and after about a hundred meters, on the left edge of the road that winds through the vineyard and a little wood of chestnut trees, we find a rock with fossils. From the little stable we follow the path that winds westwards, slightly downhill, from the wooded south slope of the Duel. Outside the woods you walk between the terraced rows of a lush vineyard going down to Serre, where you find a little road which goes up to a little road linking Miane and Campea.

At the fork, topped with a nice cherry, you can make a short detour to the left to see the church dedicated to “San Micel”- the date of construction of the church is not documented, but it is presumed to have occurred around the 1700. The building depends on the parish of Miane and on September 29, the day of Saint Michael Archangel, a propitiatory Mass for the upcoming harvest was celebrated. Saint Michael, which in Hebrew means “who is like God?”, is represented in iconography with the flaming sword and with the scale, while he is treading a dragon. Following the route indicated on the map we continue to the right and we walk between well sorted vineyards and small rural buildings. Following the road and enjoying so much beauty you get to a private pass; we turn right to go up to Duel slope again.

A bit lower there is the family farm Riva Dei Tor, which can be reached in only a few minutes, and just off the farm Serre, specialized in local wine production. We round the Duel west ridge (372m above sea level), along the road that winds on the north side and, in the gap between the trees, you can admire a splendid panorama: the grassy top of Treviso Alps ridge, the forests of beech, Colmere Village nestled  on the chestnut forest, the Sanctuary of Colle Ronch and on the sunny vineyards of Baiosa

Again on the Pian de Combai,  go along Colle Ronch and the Verdiso vineyard slope of Baiosa, then go up to the Northern slope until you reach Miramonti street which rises to Colle Ronch from Capovilla street. shortly you reach the chapel dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, which was built in the late ‘800 and it is located at the intersection with Ronch street.  Go along  the narrow Capovilla street  (once Borgo Pedepiai) and you get, via Squillace square, in Brunelli square, the center of Combai where the 1025 “Verdiso Route” ends.

Technical Details

Trial: Combai (387 m) – Vergoman (290 m) – Serre (350 m) – Duel (360 m) – Coste (400 m) – Combai (387 m)
Length: 7 km
Difference in altitude: 113 m
Avarage time: 2.5 h
Difficulty : easy