The History

 Alta Marca Trevigiana History

The Alta Marca Trevigiana is the northern part of Marca Trevigiana, and it inculdes the municipalities of: Castelcucco, Cison di Valmarino, Colle Umberto, Cordignano, Farra di Soligo, Fregona, Maser, Miane, Montebelluna, Moriago della Battaglia, Pieve di Soligo, Possagno, Refrontolo, Revine Lago, San Zenone degli Ezzelini, Segusino, Sernaglia della Battaglia, Tarzo, Valdobbiadene, Vidor, Vittorio Veneto.


In order to know the Alta Marca Trevigiana history we must retraces the steps that have created the Marca Trevigiana. Thousands of years of history have left indelible traces throughout its area.

Even if a real marquisette of Treviso never existed ( during the holy Roman empire), the historic definition Marca gioiosa et amorosa”, was assigned to this area more or less in the 1200s when Treviso extended its rule at the expense of the feudal lords Da Camino and Conegliano bishops.

So the Marca was embellished by sumptuous monuments, it was prosperous and cheerful, hospitable to poets and troubadours and it held knightly feasts, earning during this thriving and lively period, from the political and economic point of view, the aforementioned name.

We can find the definition of its borders in a leonine verse of the twelfth century “Monti, Musoni, Ponto Dominorque Naoni” which means: from Bellunuo mountains to the Venetian lagoon and from the Musone river, that is located near Castelfranco Veneto till Noncello river, which flows near Pordenone.

The Marca Trevigiana is a land of history and culture, it boasts an artistic and cultural heritage of inestimable value that begins from the Paleoveneti ,of prehistoric era, and comes to our times. A treasure which includes – among other things – ancient remains of Roman domination, with an important transport route as the Via Claudia Augusta, which cuts the Marca Trevigiana from south to north. It preserves the memory of the great Middle Ages feudes in the fortresses and castles that recall an age marked by the names of great families such as the Ezzelini, da Camino , da Carrara, Brandolini and the Collalto.

But above all the area has all the beauty that the Venetian Republic has left – that in these lands, especially on the Cansiglio, not surprisingly known as the “Serenissima woods“, the Republic procured the timber necessary for the construction of the powerful fleet that has for centuries dominated the Mediterranean. With its thousand years of history, Venice has enriched the Marca Trevigiana of works of art and magnificent villas.

And finally, we can rediscover the places that were the backdrop to the tragic and heroic events of the First World War: the top of Grappa, Montello and Piave – sacred river to the country, and the tragic conflict which ended with the final battle of Vittorio Veneto . Memories of an epic that marked the destiny of generations of men and the course of history around the world.