Mirka Kappi Sprl

Mirka Kappi Sprl


What we do

Mirka Kappi Sprl offers support services to the companies working in the communication sector. Mainly, it carries out translation, interpreting and public relations activities in support of events.

The company operates in Brussels and the main fields of activity are closely linked to community initiatives and projects for local development and to support interventions for the promotion of Tourism, local products, local and regional development policies.

Mirka Kappi Sprl is committed to supporting the actors directly involved in the promotion of the territory

Also for this reason the company joined the project “Web Promoter of local Economies” funded by the “Youth Guarantee programme”, since the territory where the company operates expressed the need for a professional figure with the characteristics proposed by the project: a profile able to grasp the potential of a reference area, translating it into messages and communication strategies at the service of local ambitions.

Mirka Kappi Sprl


Where we are

Rue Louis Hap,

70 1040 Bruxelles



Fax: 0032(0)6463981

E-mail: mirka.kappi@gmail.com

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