
Ville Venete
Venetian Villas: a noble richness of Altamarca

Venetian Villas of Venetian nobles in Altamarca The history of venetian Villas that fill the Altamarca landscape, is definitely one of the richest and most fascinating  in our territory. Impressive, elegant, charming and full of mystery villas. The Villas, that can be seen by passing in Altamarca area, refer immediately to an era of nobility […]

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Antenna Sviluppo Local-Eco: A work project become a project in order to internationalize the territory.

The young participants in the project “ Web-Promoter of Local Economy”, a project proposed and coordinated by Consulmarc Sviluppo srl and funded by the Veneto Region as part of the Youth Guarantee Program (Cod. 374/1/6/1064/2014), are gathering information in order to complete the content of LocalEco Portal ( and  bring together demand and supply […]

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combai con castagno
Autunno d’Altamarca: gli eventi 2016

Arriva l’ Autunno e l’Altamarca si colora di giallo e arancione portando un ricco calendario di eventi per tutto il 2016. Nell’Altamarca trevigiana, territorio spettacolare dove la campagna e i borghi si uniscono in un’armonia di colori e sensazioni e dove la natura è valorizzata dalla mano dell’uomo, gli eventi rappresentano il cuore pulsante del territorio. Un ricco […]

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commodo Praesent consequat. leo. porta. id efficitur. felis